
Linus Patterson
Linus is tall and sweet and a complete dork.  He may not be physically unattractive, but as soon as he geeks out over comicbooks and video games, the girls lose interest in this timid sweetheart.  Linus works at the SandwichPath sub shop.

Many believe that mild mannered Linus Patterson is the man behind the mask of Code-E. But, who knows?

Anne Haull
Anne is quite, reserved... mostly.  This demure college student works at the 50 cent Laundromat.

Awkward Girl!
Could little Anne Haull really be the superhero, Awkward Girl?

Mildred (Millie) Johnson
Millie is gothic.  She is short.  She works at Wil-Mart.  That is all you need to know about her.  Could she be hiding something?

 Raykiim (Token) Hudson
 Raykiim is proud to call himself Token.  He figures he plays an influential role in the group and in his job at the SandwichPath sub shop.  He is not only the "token black guy," but also the "token fat guy" and the "token gay guy."

Donald (Don) Brazinson
Don is a tough guy.  Or, was, until he discovered pot.  He used to be a bouncer; now he works at Wil-Mart.

Rhonda (Butch) Davis
Rhonda is a butch bitch.  Litterally, that's why everyone calls her Butch... behind her back.  Rhonda was fired from Silver's Gym after she hit on a customer.  Now she works at Pizza Tent.  It seems she may have set her sights on someone new.  Someone a little bit awkward.

The Bosses
Never seen together, these strangely similar, bald, unibrowed jerks are in charge of the alley and the surrounding stores.  And, boy, do they like to lord that over their employees.  But, why do they look so much alike?  Are they brothers?  Are they even different people?  We may never know.

Nobody knows why Candy sticks around or even what her lastname is.  She doesn't even work at all.  Yet, somehow, she has no end of money.  Candy is ditzy and seems to be in love with the Bosses.

 Comic Girl
The artist and writer behind 15 Min. Break.  Every now-and-then, she makes an appearence.